Lyrics von "It's all over now Baby Blue" |  | |
Hey Joe, you got it
Right, blow horn
You must leave now
Take what you need, you think will last
But what ever you wish to keep, you, you better grab it fast
Yoder stands your orphan with his gun, and that's no for
Crying like a fire in the sun
So, so look out, babe, the saints are comin' through
Oba, was vorbei is, is vorbei, Baby Blue
The highway is for gamblers, you better use your sins
Take what ever you gathered, take what ever you gathered from coincidence
The empty-handed painter from your streets
is drawing crazy patters on your sheets
And babe, the sky too, is folding over you
Oba trotzdem, was vorbei is, is vorbei, Baby Blue
Und vergi nicht deine High-Heels, deine High-Heels
deine heien, roten Schuh', Baby Blue
Leave your stepping stones behind, something that calls for you
Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you
Your lover who has just walked out the door
he has taken all his blankets from the floor, Jesus
Look out, babe, the saints are coming through
Oba, was vorbei is, is vorbei, Baby Blue
Go, Strike another match, go, go, get start a new, start something new
Oba, was vorbei is, is vorbei, Baby Blue
Still lovin', baby
Und wenns'd mi hearst, dann wat eh wen i man, OK
There's a couple of drinks more, please
Genommen vom Album
Falco 3 (1985)
Index der lyrics
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21/08/19 RIP Alois Hölzel! :( 07/03/17 Falco 60 ist nummer 1 in Osterreich! 19/02/17 Neuen Tabulaturen
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